Adventure Photography: 5 Tips for Photos You’ll Cherish

It’s easier than ever to snap amazing photographs. And, with the rise in popularity of Instagram, growing participation in outdoor activities, and ever increasing capabilities and affordability of cameras, anyone can take great photographs that thousands of people can see.

Here are a few tips to try out on your upcoming adventures.

1. The Best Camera is the One That’s With You

This may go without saying, but actually, bring your camera!

It doesn’t matter if your camera is a smartphone, flip phone, GoPro, a small compact camera that you found in the drawer of a desk, or a full-fledged professional DSLR – any camera is better than none (if you’re trying to take photographs, of…

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State of the Art in the Sea to Sky

State of the Art holds a special place in the hearts of Ski and Snowboard festival goers.

The foyer to the conference centre transforms into a gallery space which seems to mark the end of hibernation and powder fuelled missions where you can’t make it 5 feet from the entrance without seeing a familiar goggle-tanned face.

Opening Night of State of the Art at World Ski and Snowboard Festival in WhistlerOpening Night- Photo: Ben Haggar

It’s a place to catch up with friends old and new – chat about epic lines from the winter and new exploits summer may hold over a beer while exploring what fellow artists and shred partners have been creating during the darker months.

Sea to Sky Artists

Although the origins of many of the featured artists are as varied as the unique styles…

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